"Don't screw on people"
but on the system!"
Bernd Staudinger
Statistics show that 70%-80% of all change projects fail. Why? Because they are usually initiated purely by changing people. The view of systems theory (Luhmann) provides other perspectives and possibilities that I have included in my Business Speed Method to form a holistic concept. Because in the end, effectiveness counts!
Would you like to find out more about this in a personal conversation?
"Aktionsfähigkeit": Wo steht Ihre Organisation?
- an individualized report with oneGtotal score
- a short description of my 5 adjusting levers for a successful transformation
- an opportunity for a first short reflection
Target Group
My target group are small and medium-sized companies in the D-A-CH region with a need for sustainable transformation. I am working in a trusting partnership with the Board of Management or Executives of sub-units together. If necessary, I involve proven experts from my network.
My Portfolio
It's about optimal performance in today's business environment! For organizations, their management teams and the individuals in their role as leaders. It's about working sustainably and in a networked manner at all levels! I offer the following services for this:
1. STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION: Establishment of a Target Operating Model to sustainably increase the performance of organizations with specifically defined and measurable results (TOM). Use of the Business Speed approach for organizations with between 100 and 5,000 employees. Readiness Check Workshop as a possible starting point.
2. LS QUALIFICATION: Tailor-made qualification concepts for effective leadership in a world of crises, disruptions and ambivalences. Modular approach: self-leadership, leadership of people, leadership/transformation of organizations. If necessary in connection with the topic of strategy.
3. LS COACHING: Targeted support of management and management teams, if necessary as an element and link to the transformation of the entire organization.
4. HR TECH: Digital transformation of HR organizations to increase efficiency and employer attractiveness internally and externally in times of talent and skilled labor shortages. “Readiness check” before an HR cloud implementation. Use of AI in HR.
5. RESEARCH & TEACHING: Leadership & Management, e.g. at the HfM Weimar. Research & conception of innovative leadership approaches based on new findings from neuroscience and psychology.
I work with metaphors from regatta sport. The America's Cup in particular spectacularly demonstrates the challenges and success factors. When sailing, you are exposed to unpredictable wind and weather, just as organizations are exposed to the volatile environment.
the 5 Modules of the Business Speed Method are closely interlinked but can also be selected individually. Together, they are shown as the steering wheel of a yacht.
- save time and cost of less effective culture change initiatives
- increase your attractiveness as an employer and improve employee loyalty
- are at the end faster and more adaptive in a volatile market environment
- Exclusivity: Maximum of 2 customers at the same time, so that I can react quickly to your requirements.
- Experience; I am your direct contact. All my partners are proven experts in their segment. Together with you we will quickly get to the point.
- Effectiveness: An integral set of methods, which is designed for effectiveness and is currently unique on the market.
Years of operational and strategic leadership experience in the automotive industry.
IT/digitization & turn-around responsibility.
Director of the Corporate Academy at Mercedes-Benz AG (formerly Daimler AG).
Lecturer in management and leadership.
"Developing humans, organizations, technologies"
"My ambition is to make organizations effective faster and to further develop managers and employees instead of losing them."
Management positions in HR and IT at executive level at Mercedes-Benz (formerly Daimler AG) and at Mitsubishi Motors, Japan.
Lecturer for Management and Leadership and Supervisory Board HHL Leipzig (2009 - 2013).
Member of the IZF - Initiative for Sustainable Leadership - as a non-profit association.
I combine my experiences in Digitalization and HR to create innovative and effective retention strategies.
Development of the Daimler Corporate Academy for the qualification of 15,000 executives worldwide. Conception of worldwide performance & talent management concepts. Cooperation with well-known business schools (Harvard, Insead, IMD, Wharton, ESMT) and international top experts.
Operational responsibility for 150 HR, COM, LEGAL IT systems at Daimler AG. Implementation of the people ecosystem and employee apps as part of the Leadership2020 initiative. Project leader Carve Out Truck Group.
Development of HR IT off-shore hub in Bangalore with 200 employees, CIO at Mitsubishi Motors in Japan. Employees in the USA, China, Japan, India.
Management of over 1000 employees in Europe, Asia and the USA in over 25 years as a manager. Active mentoring and talent promotion with our own concepts. Expertise in Neuro-Leadership, Behavioral Economics, Leadership, Change & Transformation, EpiGenetics.